Liesbeth Kool

Midwives’ perceptions of the performance- and transition into practice of newly qualified midwives. A focus group study | 125 midwifery practices to demonstrate their independence. Midwives who are hiring a replacement therefore are commissioners and not employers. PARTICIPANTS, ETHICS AND METHODS This study is a qualitative study, exploring the perceptions of experienced midwives by means of semi-structured focus groups. The semi-structured approach was chosen because we aimed to explore a diversity of perceptions and experiences. The standard method to report qualitative research (SRQR) was used. 17 Theoretical framework In this study we used the organisational socialisation theory as theoretical framework, 18 which enabled us to organise and reduce the data and allowed us to answer the research questions in more depth. Organisational socialisation is defined as ‘the learning and adjustment process that enables an individual to assume an organisational role that fulfils both organisational and individual needs. 18 Organisational insiders (e.g., supervisors and peers) in this theory are important in helping newcomers adjust effectively, based on the importance of how they communicate. In this theory, organisation tactics and individualised tactics are used to reduce newcomers’ uncertainty by shaping how information is disseminated and what sources of information and social resources are given. The outline of the different tactics is explained in figure 1.