Liesbeth Kool

Midwives’ perceptions of the performance- and transition into practice of newly qualified midwives. A focus group study | 127 comments to the summary by email. The transcriptions of the meetings were anonymised. Furthermore, one member from each group read the whole transcript. All recordings and transcripts were stored in a secure location at the University. Ethics In the Netherlands, ethical approval by an ethics committee is not required for this type of research ( which involves professionals rather than patients. All participants in the interviews gave written informed consent. To ensure confidentiality, personal data of the participants was separated from the transcripts and stored according to the data management regulations of the University of Groningen. Analysis We performed a thematic content analysis, starting with an inductive approach. First, two researchers open coded all the transcripts. 20 Differences in coding were discussed until a consensus was reached. In the second phase of coding, axial coding, the organisational socialisation framework has only been used to ensure that no concepts were overlooked. Figure 2. Initial code tree for the analysis of seven focus groups of Dutch experienced midwives’ perceptions of supporting NQMs in practice The third phase of the analysis, selective coding, comprised of dividing the categories into themes and summarising the outcomes on socialisation in practice, based on working in community-based practice and working in hospital-based practice. In the final phase of the analysis, we entered the codes into a spreadsheet, summarising the data from each transcript by category. For the analysis, we used the software tool MAXQDA 2020. In the third phase, all data was summarised in the framework matrix in an Excel spreadsheet.