Liesbeth Kool

Midwives’ perceptions of the performance- and transition into practice of newly qualified midwives. A focus group study | 131 After graduation, NQMs must be prepared to work as a locum, whereby orientation programs are lacking. Midwives hire a locum, which implies that a locum is immediately employable. With written practical information, a locum needs to be able to work the shift, independent of the amount of work experience. Participants mentioned the importance of making enquiries before hiring a locum, setting out clear expectations and negotiating about shifts and fees. Orientation folders and information about the most frequently used protocols and addresses are perceived as necessary information for a locum (NQM) to be able to work in the practice. Unfortunately, this written information was not always available. Participants mentioned that the effort that they invested in supporting NQMs depends on the length of time for which they need a locum. If NQMs were hired for a longer period, they were more willing to support NQMs with orientation. On the contrary, some locums work in a practice for only a few shifts, whereby experienced midwives showed less commitment to supporting NQMs. [Support] is very convenient to set up for those [locums] who work with you for a long time, but when you hire a locum for a single summer or for maternity leave, the time investment is too high, in my opinion. (FG 5.2) Figure 3. Organisational and individual tactics, based on perceptions of Dutch experienced midwives (N=46)