Liesbeth Kool

134 | Chapter 6 Orientation in practice entailed introduction programmes for NQMs in the hospital. For community-based midwives this should include information about how to work at the specific workplace, protocols, and practical information. So, you do the introduction of them, but if there are still problems, then I think they should have a contact person they can call. Because you can give them a whole set of protocols, but if you run into anything practical, at two o'clock in the morning or whatever, then you have to be able to call [someone]. (FG 2.2) Workplace independent In addition to support at the workplace, participants valued support independent from the workplace for NQMs. Support could be arranged on a regional or national level and desired for the continuous development of NQMs after graduation. When you are working for several months that it is also there to help you develop your own vision [on midwifery]. That you think, yes okay, where am I now and what do I want. Even though you may find yourself in a situation that is not ideal right now, do you stick with it, or do you say to yourself I quit.... (FG 2.1) Group mentoring or group coaching, focused on learning from work experiences, were mentioned as potential means of support. The preferred group composition appeared to be disputable: exclusively for NQMs or mixed groups with NQMs and experienced midwives. Peer support was also mentioned as preferred by NQMs as an important resource. Participants however expressed concerns about the lack of work experience (tacit knowledge) when only peers support each other. Furthermore, experienced midwives were concerned that exchanging negative experiences could also cause unnecessary anxiety among NQMs. But they [NQMs] already support each other through the app [texting], they have each other on the app, yes, I mean help between air quotes. Because there are also negative experiences exchanged in these app conversations. (FG 5.1) Learning from an NQM peer lacks an experienced midwifery view, which is, in their perception, important for NQMs’ further competence development. Midwifery skills and drills training, and a helpdesk for NQM related topics could provide NQMs with the required information and at short notice. Feasibility