Liesbeth Kool

Midwives’ perceptions of the performance- and transition into practice of newly qualified midwives. A focus group study | 141 REFERENCES 1. Kool L, Feijen-de Jong EI, Schellevis FG, Jaarsma DA. Perceived job demands and resources of newly qualified midwives working in primary care settings in the Netherlands. Midwifery. 2019;69 (February 2019):52-58. 2. Kool LE, Schellevis FG, Jaarsma DA, Feijen-De Jong EI. The initiation of Dutch newly qualified hospital-based midwives in practice, a qualitative study. Midwifery. 2020;83:102648. 3. Gray M, Malott A, Davis BM, Sandor C. A scoping review of how new midwifery practitioners transition to practice in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. Midwifery. 2016;42:74-79. 4. [Internet]. Wet op de beroepen in de gezondheidszorg. [Act on professions in individual healthcare 1993]. [cited 2021 18 Dec]. Available from: 5. Midwifery in the Netherlands. [cited 2022 Jan 21]. KNOV. Available from: 6. Kenens RJ, Batenburg R, Kasteleijn A. Cijfers uit de registratie van verloskundigen: Peiling 2016. 2017. Utrecht: Nivel. 7. Offerhaus PM, Korfker D, de Jonge A, van der Pal, K M, Scheepers B, Lagro-Janssen TL. Midwives and variation in referral decisions during labour. Patterns in Primary Midwifeled Care in The Netherlands. 2015:103. 8. Freckelton I. Regulation of health practitioners: Opportunities and developments for plaintiffs. Precedent. 2007(79):29-35. 9. Carroll AE. The high costs of unnecessary care. JAMA. 2017;318(18):1748-1749. 10. Kitson-Reynolds E, Ferns P, Trenerry A. Transition to midwifery: Collaborative working between university and maternity services. British Journal of Midwifery. 2015;23(7):510515. 11. Reynolds EK, Cluett E, Le-May A. Fairy tale midwifery—fact or fiction: The lived experiences of newly qualified midwives. British Journal of Midwifery. 2014;22(9):660668. 12. Clements V, Fenwick J, Davis D. Core elements of transition support programs: The experiences of newly qualified Australian midwives. Sexual & reproductive healthcare. 2012;3(4):155-162. 13. Kensington M, Campbell N, Gray E, et al. New Zealand’s midwifery profession: Embracing graduate midwives’ transition to practice. New Zealand College of Midwives Journal. 2016(52):20-25