Liesbeth Kool

156 | Chapter 7 first author in the form of a personal email and personal link to Qualtrics. The invitations and reminders used in the second round were equivalent to those used in Round 1. The questionnaire used in the second round was based on statements on which there was no consensus. In Round 2, participants were given the opportunity to first read the outcomes of Round 1 via a hyperlink in the questionnaire (Appendix III). Round 2 did not include any questions about participants’ background information, as the stakeholders involved were the same as those in Round 1. Analyses For each round of the Delphi study, the participants’ personal characteristics (age, workplace, years of experience) were listed, together with the response rate. A thematic content analysis of the remarks and feedback received during Round 1 was conducted in MaxQDA 2022. Details of the response rate and frequencies per variable were reported. We used the definition of consensus shown in Table 1. Consensus per statement was deemed to have been reached if importance was 70% or higher on agreement (agree/strongly agree) and if applicability had a median score > 4 and interquartile range < 1. Furthermore, no consensus was deemed to have been reached if remarks about the statement involved contradictory or inconsistent arguments. 21 The analyses of the quantitative results were performed using SPSS 27. Table 1. Decision table for consensus on the statements Importance Applicability Remarks Conclusion > 70% Median > 4 IQR < 1 Consensus > 70% Median > 4 IQR < 1 Contradictory remarks/ inconsistencies No consensus > 70% Median < 4 IQR > 1 No consensus < 70% Median > 4 IQR > 1 No consensus < 70% Median < 4 IQR > 1 No consensus FINDINGS Procedure At the start of the study, 61 stakeholders agreed to participate and were invited to complete the questionnaire. The response rate in the first round was 92% (N = 56). In