Liesbeth Kool

16 | Chapter 1 Theoretical model For this thesis, the Job demands and Resources (JD-R) theory is used as a theoretical framework for multiple reasons. First, this model is based on a comprehensive approach to employee wellbeing, with integrated intrinsic and extrinsic factors and their impact on outcomes.46 Second, the JD-R model is a heuristic model that helps identify the specific demands and available resources in a specific occupation.22 Third, the JD-R model is based on the premise that employee wellbeing is the result of the balance between workload and resource availability at work.47 Knowledge of midwives’ occupational wellbeing and its determinants can be developed through the research on the influence of specific job characteristics and personal characteristics, as identified in the specific work environments.9,47 Occupational wellbeing in the JD-R model (figure 1) is based on two different constructs: burnout and work engagement.10 High work engagement, a result of a motivational process, is associated with better mental and physical health, better work ability, and is beneficial for work performance and workplace safety.20 Burnout is a health impairment process in which professionals deplete their energy resources, leading to reduced involvement with the work, and with the clients.47 Job demands (JD) are aspects of the job requiring effort and are associated with mental or physical costs.47 Job resources (JR) help professionals to achieve job goals or to reduce job demands.47 Personal resources (PR) are positive self-evaluations that are linked to resilience and refer to an individual’s sense of being in control and the ability to impact their environments successfully.48 Personal resources contribute positively to wellbeing, and they can also initiate an upward spiral of resources that reinforce each other, resulting in higher work engagement.48 Furthermore, personal resources are mediators for the health impairment process, reducing the development of burnout symptoms.22,48 Figure 1. Adapted JD-R model22