Liesbeth Kool

How to improve newly qualified midwives’ wellbeing in practice. A Delphi study | 163 Table 4. Components of support for NQMs, based on stakeholders’ views on responsibility in midwifery practice in the Netherlands. Component What When Responsibility Workplace dependent components of support Socialisation Backup First year Regional collaborations Midwives Collaborating with an experienced colleague First weeks Manager/practice owner Feedback on performance First year Manager/practice owner Orientation Incremental increases in tasks and responsibilities First few months up to one year Manager/practice owner Practical arrangements Introductory meeting Practice folder First shifts available Workplace Workplace independent components of support Mentoring Personal development as a fully functioning midwife, learning from experiences in practice First year RDM facilitating trained mentors, arranged in Quality Registry Group coaching Learning from experiences in practice First year RDM Stable working environment Safe learning and working environment First year RDM prepares arrangements/policy Preparation for professional practice Issues regarding work as a midwife, including hospital- and community-based work Fourth year of Bachelor’s programme before graduation Midwifery academies DISCUSSION The aim of this Delphi study was to reach consensus among stakeholders in midwifery care in the Netherlands concerning important and applicable components of support for practising NQMs. The stakeholders agreed that orientation and socialisation in professional practice are the responsibility of the workplace. Regardless of the type of employment involved, the practice or organisation must provide NQMs with an introductory period, performance feedback and backup from fellow midwives during shifts. The stakeholders felt that mentoring is important for NQMs. Each NQM deserves mentoring or group coaching by a midwife (from the workplace itself of external). Consensus was reached about the importance of trained mentors and about providing mentoring facilities in professional practice. According to the stakeholders, it is important