Liesbeth Kool

General introduction | 17 Outline of this thesis The overview of the studies in this thesis is presented in Figure 2, based on the JD-R model. In chapter two and three, we answer the first research question. We identify job demands, job resources, and personal resources, which affect occupational wellbeing and performance of NQMs in community-based midwifery (Chapter 2) and among hospital-based NQMs (Chapter 3). In chapter four, we report on a quantitative study on the occupational wellbeing of midwives in the Netherlands and the determinants associated with wellbeing. We answer the third research question by measuring work engagement (WE) and burnout symptoms (BO) among midwives in the Netherlands. Furthermore, we identify the work characteristics and personal characteristics associated with wellbeing (WE and BO) among midwives: NQMs and experienced midwives. In chapter five, we explore midwives’ intentions to leave and reasons to leave the profession as a midwife. Furthermore, reasons leading to leaving the profession were qualitatively explored. In chapter six, we identify the perceptions of experienced midwives regarding NQMs in the workplace. We explore the views of midwives on supporting NQMs in practice. Chapter seven includes a study on feasible components of support for NQMs’ transitioninto-practice by exploring maternity care stakeholders’ commitment to important and applicable components of support for NQMs. Figure 2. JD-R model in chapters and research questions in this thesis