Liesbeth Kool

How to improve newly qualified midwives’ wellbeing in practice. A Delphi study | 173 Interface stakeholders: inform them about progress/outcomes. 2. What should stakeholders think? Primary stakeholders: The employment position of NQMs needs to improve, interventions are needed in the organizational sphere and on the labour market position. Secondary stakeholders: That they should contribute to realising the conditions. Interface stakeholders: That they are aware of the developments on the labour market regarding NQMs. 3. What should stakeholders do? Primary stakeholders: participate in the project, involve constituencies in this research. Secondary stakeholders: be informed by the participants, take proposals seriously. Interface stakeholders: read along, possibly provide resources. 4. What is the role of the target group? Primary stakeholders: contribute directly, cooperate Secondary stakeholders: monitor progress, contribute to realising preconditions. Interface stakeholders: monitor the process and be informed. 5. What interest does the target group have? Primary stakeholders: high/very high Secondary stakeholders: moderate Interface stakeholders: low 6. What does the target group think of the change? Primary stakeholders: see the importance of welfare of starting midwives for continuity of midwifery care Secondary stakeholders: are probably not that concerned with this change. Interface stakeholders: probably not concerned with this changes. 7. What motivations play a role? Primary stakeholders: replacement in practice, sufficient available colleagues/staff, continuity of care. Secondary stakeholders: good connection education/ labour market, enough midwives, as few premature dropouts as possible. DETERMINING INFLUENCING FACTORS What impeding factors (obstacles) do we foresee at this point of improvement? Which factors are going to make it difficult for us to implement the change? 1. Educational structure HBO: dual/full-time 2. Organization of midwifery care 3. Observer position / self-employment / temporary contracts 4. Lack of culture/ tradition of mentoring/coaching of NQMs What promoting factors (opportunities) do we see in this area of improvement. What will help us implement this change(s)? 1. Insufficient number of midwives available for observation/vacancies 2. Urgency of retaining entry-level midwives for the labour market has increased 3. RDM and profession is aware of urgency.