Liesbeth Kool

222 | Acknowledgements First of all, I would like to thank everyone who has supported me on this journey to become a Doctor of Philosophy. In my experience, research is often a solo endeavour, but also a team effort. It is a great honour to become a member of this society. Throughout this journey, I have had the privilege of being supervised by a special team. Dear Dr. Esther (Feijen-de Jong), my co-promoter, you made me feel supported and guided during this journey. You always took the time to work with me and gave me your feedback and critical comments, and you always showed a lot of trust in my competences. Our collaboration proves that it is possible to work in different roles and in different commitments, as we are both colleagues and PhD student and supervisor. During our years of collaboration as colleagues, you became my dear friend. Dear Professor Dr. Francois (Schellevis), as my supervisor, I am grateful for your trust, your critical, constructive and independent view on my work. I could always ask for advice, and I always got feedback in a constructive and friendly manner. I am very grateful that I was one of your many PhD students you supervised and am very honoured that you decided to remain my supervisor after your retirement. Dear Professor Dr. Debbie (Jaarsma), thank you for your wisdom, your ability to see the bigger picture and your constructive feedback as the first supervisor on my pathway to become a PhD candidate. You encouraged me to start this trajectory and helped me to apply for a PhD scholarship for teachers. In addition, your feedback helped me to look beyond the findings and develop insights on the implications of these findings for research and for practice. I would like to thank my employer, the Academy of Midwifery Amsterdam and Groningen (AVAG), the Inholland University of Applied Sciences and the National Organization for Scientific Research (NWO) for making this PhD trajectory possible. With their financial grant and their cooperation during this trajectory, I was able to complete this trajectory. I am also grateful to work in a supportive working environment with colleagues who understand what a PhD trajectory entails. Crucial for me in this PhD trajectory was the support of the researchers in the Midwifery Research Chair Group and from my colleagues from the midwifery academy. Their willingness to listen, to provide me with constructive feedback and sometimes with their humor was so appreciated.