Liesbeth Kool

Perceived job demands and resources of newly qualified midwives working in primary care settings in the Netherlands | 29 graduation, we invited eligible midwives by email. All selected NQMs were willing to participate in a focus group interview. The ones that were able to join a scheduled focus group interview, participated in the study. Figure 1. Theoretical model the Job Demands-Resources model.19 We conducted five focus group interviews, with four to ten NQMs each. Focus group interviews were conducted until data saturation was reached. The interview questions were based on a topic guide (see appendix A) which was derived from previous literature on NQMs and the JD-R model.19,20,22 Four focus group interviews (A-D) took place after a CPD course, where the participants were recruited. One focus group interview (E) was held as a stand-alone event at the midwifery academy in Groningen. The interviews were facilitated by trained moderators and observed by a researcher or research student. The observer took the audio recordings and notes. All participants were first asked to sign a consent form, and then answer four questions on paper about their first period in practice (see appendix B). The moderator started the group discussion by inviting participants to share their notes with the group members. The moderator asked questions for further explanation and invited all participants to join the discussions. In the fourth and fifth focus group interviews, categories and themes from the first analysis were added as input at the end of the interview session. Participants were asked if they recognized themselves in the specific categories and themes. As interviews four and five did not yield any new information from participants, data saturation was assumed to have been reached. The interview records were transcribed.