Liesbeth Kool

34 | Chapter 2 as an important resource for NQMs, not only for a listening ear, but also as practical facilitators for tasks such as shopping for groceries and preparing meals. NQMs mentioned ‘contacts with clients’ and ‘working with families at home’ as particularly motivating. For example, visiting families at home provided NQMs with satisfying contacts. When I support a woman in labour…. that is why I chose this profession. Then it is easy to get out of my bed in the night. Moreover, I feel that my work is my passion, and my passion is my work. (A3) Working from home, in this case being able to do the job while staying at home, was also perceived as a job resource, as reported by one of the participants: …when I am working a shift, while I can work from home, it feels as being free from work. Most of the time shifts are quite busy. But just the feeling that I can eat at home, sleep in my own bed and get a shower if I want to, that makes a lot of difference… (D6) Textbooks and internet resources were often used by NQMs during and after their shifts and perceived as job resources. Furthermore, earning money, in contrast to their last placement as student, where they did pretty much the same work without compensation, was experienced as motivating for NQMs. Personal resources Participants mentioned different personal traits (figure 2), which helped them in the first period after graduation. An often-mentioned personal resource was the ability to implement strict (personal and professional) boundaries. Being able to communicate availability regarding working shifts and working hours helped participants limit and manage the amount of work. On the other hand, they had to be flexible to get enough work. Assertiveness together with a sense of perspective helped NQMs during the first period in practice. Setting boundaries on both levels: management tasks and providing care. A good midwife does not have to work seven days a week! (C3) The ability to reflect on situations they experienced was also perceived as important resource; looking at a situation from different perspectives. For instance by thinking: “Not all situations I come across are life threatening!”. Humour and self-confidence were also seen as important resources. Humour helped NQMs to see situations in perspective and self-confidence helped them when providing care, especially when referring clients to the hospital.