Liesbeth Kool

50 | Chapter 3 practice with a good degree of accuracy. We invited NQMs who graduated from all three Dutch academies. Recruitment of NQMs took place via Dutch Midwifery Academies (list of alumni), social media (Facebook and LinkedIn), and through snowball sampling. Participants received written information (via e-mail) regarding the purpose of the study, including a consent form. Two researchers (IB, LK) conducted the individual interviews between January and July 2018. A topic guide (Appendix I) was used for the interviews, based on the dimensions of the JD-R model. Interviews were all individual, except for one double interview at the request of the participants. Interviews were audio recorded and transcribed. Participants were provided with the transcript of the interview upon request. In one transcript, we removed a segment, as requested by the participant, because of possible recognition by colleagues of a specific situation. Ethical considerations In the Netherlands, ethical approval by an ethical committee is not required regarding this type of research ( All participants gave written informed consent before the start of the interview. To ensure confidentiality, personal data of the participants were separated from the transcripts and saved according to the data management rules of the University of Groningen. Data analysis Interviews were analyzed thematically, using MAXQDA 11, and were open coded by two researchers (IB, LK). They discussed the codes until they reached consensus. Open codes were inductively categorized by the same researchers and axial coded in themes, using the different elements of the JD-R model (Schaufeli & Taris, 2014). After ten interviews, we started with an interim analysis. We then added more in-depth questions about personal resources, in order to gain more detailed information from participants. After twenty interviews, we did not acquire new codes, which indicated data saturation. FINDINGS In total, twenty-one Dutch NQMs participated with a mean age of 26 years (range 2233), as shown in table 1. The duration of the interviews ranged between 36 and 65 minutes.