Liesbeth Kool

52 | Chapter 3 Figure 2. Perceived job resources, job demands, personal resources, personal demands by 21 Dutch NQMs, working in hospital-based midwifery care Additionally, they also had consultations with women referred from primary care. The combination of coordinating several births and consultations caused a high workload. Therefore, they faced a high workload which required time management and fast decision-making in emergency situations. ‘The difference [with primary midwifery care] is that you have a whole maternity ward, we have seven delivery rooms which we have to take care of and they are sometimes really full with five [patients] and when a referred patient comes in and then you have to do your consultation. You have to be really good in keeping an overview and setting your priorities! (P7) NQMs mentioned that due to the high workload, they often could not give their women all the attention they wanted to provide. Women referred from primary care might have to wait too long before they had a consultation because of the hectic and unpredictable