Liesbeth Kool

64 | Chapter 3 Appendix l Topic list Interviews Job-demands Which challenges did you encounter in practice, just after graduation? Which tasks did you find challenging? Which tasks did you experience as easy? What did you have to learn, as you experienced working in a hospital setting? How did you experienced the job demands? In what way was the job demanding (physical and mentally)? How would you describe your feelings when working in a hospital setting? What are the main differences between working in a hospital setting as compared to work as a midwife in primary care? Job-resources Which aspects of the job were facilitating in doing your work? Which factors provide energy / did you experience as motivating? At specific resources: what did it bring you? What helped this resource in your work? Personal resources Which behaviour/qualities/skills helped in the execution of your work? Which factors helped you in your work as a hospital-based midwife? Which pitfalls did you see in yourself or your newly graduated colleagues? Do you think there are differences in personal qualities or skills between working in a hospital setting as compared to work as a midwife in primary care? How do you describe yourself on the following dimensions? - Are you more introvert or more outgoing/extravert? - Are you more inclined to go for your own interests or are you inclined to help others? - Are you careful or inclined to be a bit sloppy? - Are you emotionally stable or would you call yourself more unstable? - Are you open to different kinds of experiences / perspectives or do you find yourself more focused on a specific theme? Are there other important subjects about your first experiences in hospital setting , not yet mentioned, but in your opinion important to mention?