Liesbeth Kool

Midwives’ occupational wellbeing and its determinants. A cross-sectional study among newly qualified and experienced Dutch midwives | 77 EMs). We also corrected these associations for possible interacting variables such as workplace (community or hospital), marital status (single/with partner), autonomy, variety of work and support from colleagues. The selection of these interacting variables was derived from previous research.4,5,28,29 To answer the second research question about the determinants of burnout symptoms and work engagement, we used a univariable logistic regression analysis with dichotomised dependent variables (burnout symptoms and work engagement) in order to assess associations with the socio-demographic characteristics; job demands, job resources and personal resources. The associations were presented as odds ratios (OR) with 95 percent confidence intervals (CI). A two-tailed p-value of .05 or less was considered statistically significant. Due to the limited number of NQM respondents, we were unable to perform a multiple logistic regression analysis of determinants of burnout symptoms and work engagement by experience level. For the analyses, we used SPSS 25 (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 25.0.). RESULTS Table 1 shows the socio-demographic characteristics of NQMs, EMs and the total sample. Our sample showed similar percentages to the population of Dutch midwives on the variables of age distribution, sex and country of initial education. Different proportions of our sample compared to Dutch midwives as a whole have been shown for the number of community midwives, self-employed and locum midwives.31 In the total sample, more than half of the respondents were aged under 40 (58%), 80 percent were living with a partner, 58 percent lived with children, and 81 percent worked in community practice. About 10 percent were also caregivers for a family member or close relative. Almost half of our respondents had a Master’s degree (56%) and six percent were on sick leave (fulltime or part-time) at the time of completing the questionnaire.