Hans Blaauwgeers

134 Chapter 11 D) This cutting force may cause benign and malignant cells to be displaced. In the first manuscript macrophages were mentioned117. In the more recent manuscript of the same institute pneumocytes and bronchial epithelial cells were specifically mentioned, as an artifact when displaced from their normal environment19 171. E) Linear strips of cells, that were lifted off of alveolar walls are also interpreted as an artifact117 171. In specimen with a fixation delay the epithelial lining may be detached198. This is a frequent finding in resection and autopsy specimen. However, the detachment of cells is not restricted to benign cells, as this general effect will also affect tumour cells creating individual tumour cells. This may lead to an overinterpretation of STAS. Figure 2. A compilation made of STAS images in 6 different scientific publications (Gross199, Eguchi200, Kadota201, Metovic175, Ikeda202 and Qi203. Note: in the alveolar spaces are beside the “loose tumour cells” extravasated erythrocytes discernible.