Hans Blaauwgeers

241 Arguments for pulmonary AIS larger than 7 cm Table 1. Characteristics of the 2 completely histologically examined cases* as well as the 7 possible non-invasive cases from the T3N0 cohort and their invasive controls (continued) Case # Gender Age Hospital Resected lobe / diameter tumor slide # # tumor blocks Selection H&E staining only Diagnosis after revision on H&E, CK7, elastin staining 13 f 75 D RUL+RML /7.5 cm 16 7 Invasive control Invasive, Acinar and papillary 14 m 61 E RUL+RML /9.0 cm 8 6 Invasive control Invasive, solid 15 f 64 F RLL /8.0 cm 7 4 Invasive control Invasive, solid # = number Three of the 7 cases (case 3, 4 and 5), just as the two above-described cases revealed a regular pattern in the CK7 staining with preserved elastin fibers in the relatively thin stromal components. Therefore, these were considered pre-existing collapsed alveolar septa (Figure 1A-E) and classified as 100% lepidic adenocarcinoma i.e., AIS. Two cases (case 6 and 8) were, considered true papillary carcinoma206 , based on the absence of elastin in papillae (Figure 2F-L). One case (case 7) was classified as lepidic predominant with an invasive acinar component. Another case (case 9) was diagnosed as micropapillary carcinoma based on a mixture of large lepidic and smaller multifocal micropapillary component in several adjacent alveoli. Radiology Details of preoperative imaging of the retrospective T3N0 cohort are shown in table 2. Table 2. Radiologic of the 2 completely histologically examined cases* as well as the 7 possible non-invasive cases from the pT3N0 cohort and matched invasive controls. Case Histology invasive yes/no Type of images Diameter Tumor (cm) GGO yes/no GGO Diameter (cm) Solid Diameter (cm) Radiologic Invasive yes/no Radiologic remarks 1* no PET-CT 19 yes 19 16 yes GGO + consolidations; emphysematous cysts 2* no PET/CT 16 yes 15 8 n/m GGO + consolidations 3 no PET-CT >7 yes >7 2.6 yes Pneumonic type + subsolid nodules 4 no CT-thorax 15.3 yes 15.3 9.3 yes Pneumonic type 5 no PET-CT 17.4 yes 17.4 10.1 yes Pneumonic type +subsolid nodules 6 yes PET-CT 8 no n/a 8 yes Solid nodule 16