Hans Blaauwgeers

243 Arguments for pulmonary AIS larger than 7 cm Figure 2. Radiological, gross and microscopical aspects of two cases. A-E. Case 1. In situ adenocarcinoma. Note the pneumonia-like consolidative pattern on the CT-thorax (A). Paraffin block showing a granular pattern without a circumscribed tumor mass (B). On H&E (both overview and detail, 200x): an in situ, partly pseudopapillary pattern (C, D). In Elastin staining preserved fragmented elastin fibers in the alveolar septa, 200x (E). F-L. Case 6. Papillary carcinoma. Note the solid aspect on the CT-thorax and paraffin block (F, G). On H&E, a papillary pattern both in overview (H) and in detail, 200x (K). In Elastin staining absence in the stromal papillae, 200x (L). 16