Hans Blaauwgeers

244 Chapter 16 Follow-up The general follow-up data of the possible in situ cases, as well as their controls, are shown in Table 3. Table 3. General follow-up data of the 2 completely histologically examined cases* as well as the 7 possible non-invasive cases from the pT3N0 cohort and matched invasive controls. Case Gender Age Revision diagnosis Recurrence yes/no (years) Type of recurrence Cause of death Status (years after primary) 1* m 75 In situ no n/a COVID19 DND (1.5y) 2* f 77 In situ no n/a n/a AND (< 1y) 3 f 72 In situ no SPLC Diabetes mellitus Second primary DND (6y) 4 m 68 In situ no SPLC n/a AND (10y) 5 m 65 In situ no SPLC (no histology) SPLC DND (4y) 6 m 76 Papillary carcinoma yes < 1y Bone, lung and brain Lung cancer DOD (1y) 7 f 70 Lepidic predominant+ acinar no Pancreas carcinoma DND (3y) 8 f 63 Papillary carcinoma yes 3y Mediastinum Different lobe same site n/a AND (9y) 9 m 57 micropapillary yes 1y Recurrence? Lung cancer DOD 1y 10 m 76 Invasive solid yes <1y Liver metastases Lung cancer DOD 10 11 m 80 Invasive acinar yes <1y Lung metastases Lung cancer DOD 1y 12 m 60 Invasive solid yes 3y Brain metastases Lung cancer DOD 4y 13 f 75 Invasive Acinar and papillary yes 3y Lung metastases Lung cancer DOD 3y 14 m 61 Invasive solid yes 2y Brain metastases Lung cancer DOD 2y 15 f 64 Invasive solid yes 2y Lung metastases Lung cancer DOD 2y SPLC = second primary lung cancer; AND = alive, no disease (no lung cancer); AWD = alive with disease (lung cancer); DND = death, no disease (no lung cancer); DOD = death of disease (lung cancer); n/a = not applicable Here, we describe in detail the follow-up data of the 5 cases with large (>7 cm) noninvasive adenocarcinomas: