Hans Blaauwgeers

Table of contents Chapter 1 General introduction and outline of the thesis 9 Part I: Histopathologic factors in the outcome and prognosis of NSCLC Chapter 2 Complete pathological response is predictive for clinical outcome after trimodality therapy for carcinomas of the superior pulmonary sulcus 19 Chapter 3 The prognostic value of proliferation, PD-L1 and nuclear size in patients with superior sulcus tumours treated with chemoradiotherapy and surgery. 35 Chapter 4 A population-based study of outcomes in surgically resected T3N0 nonsmall cell lung cancer in the Netherlands, defined using TNM-7 and TNM-8; justification of changes and an argument to incorporate histology in the staging algorithm. 47 Part II: Spread through air spaces, an artifact or reality? Chapter 5 Ex vivo artifacts and histopathologic pitfalls in the lung 65 Chapter 6 A prospective study of loose tissue fragments in non-small cell lung cancer resection specimen. An alternative view to “spread through airspaces” 83 Chapter 7 Pulmonary loose tumor tissue fragments and spread through air spaces (STAS): invasive pattern or artifact? A critical review. 95 Chapter 8 To the editor: “Spread through air spaces (STAS) is prognostic in atypical carcinoid, large cell neuroendocrine carcinoma, and small cell carcinoma of the lung” 107 Chapter 9 To the editor: “Spread through air spaces (STAS); can an artifact really be excluded?”. 111 Chapter 10 Loose tumor cells in pulmonary arteries of lung adenocarcinoma resection specimen; no correlation with survival, despite high prevalence. 115 Chapter 11 Is Spread Through Air Spaces an in vivo phenomenon or an inducible artifact? 131