Hans Blaauwgeers

70 Chapter 5 Figure 2. An increase in surgical collapse parallels reduction in the amount of air, which is associated with greater doubt about presence or absence of invasion. Note the irregular shape of the epithelial structures and lack of desmoplastic stroma. A and B, Example 1: 7% of the scores, invasion; 7%, doubt; 86%, no invasion. C and D, Example 2: 36% of the scores, invasion; 49%, doubt; 25%, no invasion. E and F, Example 3: 32% of the scores, invasion; 36%, doubt; 32%, no invasion. Note also the presence of alveolar macrophages in compressed alveolar lumen (hematoxylin-eosin, original magnifications x5 [A, C, and E; overview of case to reveal context]; and x20 [B, D and F; detailed image used for scoring14; images not published with previous study]).