Annelienke van Hulst

205 Hydrocortisone as an intervention (RCT) 6 Randomized controlled trial Δ hydrocortison course Δ placebo course HC vs placebo estimated effect (95%CI) 3.5 (0.8;10.0) 3.0 (1.0;8.0) -1.96 (-9.27;5.35) 1.5 (0.0;6.0) 2.0 (-0.3;4.3) 0.12 (-4.20;4.44) 0.0 (0.0;0.0) 0.0 (0.0;0.0) 0.20 (-0.53;0.93) 0.0 (0.0;0.0) 0.0 (0.0;0.0) 0.38 (-0.32;1.08) 0.0 (-1.0;1.3) 0.0 (0.0;1.0) -0.93 (-3.33;1.48) 2.0 (0.0;4.5) 2.0 (0.0;4.0) -1.23 (-4.38;1.93) 0.0 (0.0;1.0) 0.0 (-1.0;0.0) -0.45 (-1.67;0.77) 2 (0.8;4) 2 (0;4) 2.52 (0.23;4.81) 2 (1;4) 2 (0.75;3) 1.25 (-1.10;3.60) 0.5 (0;2.3) 2 (0;3) 0.63 (-1.87;3.14) 2 (0;4) 2 (0;3) 2.74 (0.07;5.41) -14.1 (-23.8/-4.2) -15.2 (-25.6/-7.1) 3.25 (-13.69;20.20) -12.5 (-29.7/-3.1) -18.8 (-31.3/-9.4) 14.28 (-6.77;35.34) -20.0 (-27.5/-5.0) -15.0 (-27.5/-5.0) -0.10 (-22.22;22.02) -10.0 (-20.0/-2.5) -15.0 (-20.0/0.0) 0.86 (-16.31;18.03) -8.3 (-22.5/0.0) -5.0 (-30.0/0.0) -11.08 (-39.29;17.12) -11.5 (-23.2/-3.9) -11.5 (-23.3/-3.3) -3.13 (-21.53;15.28) 2 (1;4) 2 (1;4) 0.62 (-2.23;3.46) Abbreviations: DES: disorders of excessive somnolence, dexa: dexamethasone, DIMS: disorders of initiating and maintaining sleep, DT-P: distress thermometer for parents, HC: hydrocortisone, PedsQL: pediatric quality of life questionnaire, SDSC: sleep disturbance scale for children, SWTD: sleep wake transition disorders