Annelienke van Hulst

250 Chapter 8 Table 1. Overview of the main findings in this thesis Chapter Short title Purpose Sample 2 Risk factors – a review To provide an overview of literature on risk factors for steroid-induced adverse psychological reactions and sleep problems. n = 24 included articles 19 described adverse psychological reactions, 7 sleep problems, and 2 both 3 DexaDagen-2 study design To describe the design and methods used in the DexaDagen-2 study. - 4 Determinants for dexamethasoneinduced side-effects To identify determinants for parent-reported dexamethasoneinduced neurobehavioral and sleep problems. n = 105 pediatric ALL patients and their parents 5 Leptin increase To determine the influence of a five-day dexamethasone course on changes in leptin, fat mass, hunger, sleep and fatigue and to explore the role of leptin in these changes. n = 105 pediatric ALL patients