Annelienke van Hulst

80 Chapter 2 Supplemental Table 6. Studies on the influence of genetic variation on steroid induced sleep problems Study population Analyses Method Cohort size (cases / control) Country of origin; ethnicity Sex (% males) Steroid treatment Replication Definition endpoint Vallance et al. (2010)56 Candidate gene 72 USA (only white patients included for SNP analysis) 62 Dex (6, 8 or 12 mg/ m2/d) No Sleep measured with actigraphy and sleep diary Abbreviations: AHSG: α2-Heremans-Schmid glycoprotein, dex: dexamethasone, NS: not significant, OR: odds ratio, SNP: single nucleotide polymorphism Supplemental Table 7. Case reports of patients with steroid-induced adverse psychological reactions with a (family) history of psychiatric symptoms. Case report n= Age (years) Sex Steroid Ducore et al (1983)81 1 15 Male Prednisone (40mg/m2/day) Hechtman et al (2013)82 1 14 Male Prednisone Hochhauser et al (2005)8 2 4 and 15 Male Dexamethasone (6mg/m2/day) Kramer et al (1999)83 1 14 Female Dexamethasone (24mg/day) Samsel et al (2017)84 3 2, 3 and 5 2 Male and 1 female Dexamethasone (6mg/m2/day) Tutkunkardas et al (2010)85 1 14 Male Dexamethasone Watanabe et al (1994)86 2 13 and 17 Female Dexamethasone (15 mg/day) Abbreviations: APR: adverse psychological reaction, ADHD: Attention deficit disorder, ASD: autism spectrum disorder, HFA: high functioning autism, PDD-NOS pervasive developmental disorder not otherwise specified, PTSD: post-traumatic stress disorder