Annelienke van Hulst

82 Chapter 2 Supplemental Table 8. Case reports of patients with steroid-induced APR without a (family) history of psychiatric symptoms Case report n= Age Sex Steroid Type of APR Cassidy et al (2012)87 1 17 Male Dexamethasone (10mg/day) Mania with psychotic symptoms Ducore et al (1983)81 1 13 Female Prednisone (40mg/ m2/day) Psychosis Ingram et al (2003)88 1 2 Male Methylprednisolone 2 mg/kg/day Mood and behavioral problems Hochhauser et al (2005)8 2 4 and 6 Male Dexamethasone (6mg/m2/day) Emotional and behavioral problems Sutor et al (1996)89 1 15 Female Prednisone (90mg/ day) Depressive psychosis Ularntinon et al (2010)90 3 8, 10 and 16 Male Prednisone (2mg/ kg/day) Dexamethasone (0.25mg/kg/day / 12mg/day) Mood lability Agitation, irritability Mania with psychotic symptoms Abbreviations: APR: adverse psychological reaction