Annelienke van Hulst

91 Risk factors: a systematic review 2 Cinahl (Ebsco) History August 15, 2019 Search Cinahl (Ebsco) Query – August 15, 2019 Items found S8 S1 AND S2 AND S3 AND S7 252 S7 S4 OR S5 OR S6 251981 S6 MH (“Sleep+” OR “Sleep-Wake Transition Disorders+” OR “Sleep Disorders+”) OR TI (bed-time OR bedtime OR (circadian N3 rhythm*) OR dream* OR hypersomnia* OR insomnia* OR “night rest” OR (night N3 awakening*) OR nightmare* OR parasomnia* OR sleep* OR somnolence OR “time in bed” OR (night N3 waking*)) OR AB (bed-time OR bedtime OR (circadian N3 rhythm*) OR dream* OR hypersomnia* OR insomnia* OR “night rest” OR (night N3 awakening*) OR nightmare* OR parasomnia* OR sleep* OR somnolence OR “time in bed” OR (night N3 waking*)) 76960 S5 MH (“Child Behavior Checklist” OR “Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms+” OR “Cognition+” OR “Cognition Disorders+” OR “Behavioral and Mental Disorders+” OR “Mental Fatigue+” OR “Social Behavior Disorders+” OR “Mental Health” OR “Neurobehavioral Manifestations+” OR “Psychophysiology” OR “Psychophysiologic Disorders” OR “Quality of Life+”) OR TI (affect* OR agitation OR agressiv* OR anxiet* OR arousal OR attention* OR awareness OR behavio* OR bipolar OR cognit* OR compulsiv* OR concentrat* OR craving* OR delirium OR dementia OR depress* OR distress OR emotion* OR externaliz* OR externalis* OR fatigue* OR HRQOL OR hyperactiv* OR hypomania* OR impulsiv* OR internaliz* OR internalis* OR mania* OR mental* OR mood* OR neuroc* OR neurol* OR neurobehavio* OR neurotox* OR obsessi* OR opposition* OR panic* OR psychi* OR psychol* OR psychop* OR psychos* OR QOL OR “quality of life” OR restless* OR SDQ OR stress* OR toxicit*) OR AB (affect* OR agitation OR agressiv* OR anxiet* OR arousal OR attention* OR awareness OR behavio* OR bipolar OR cognit* OR compulsiv* OR concentrat* OR craving* OR delirium OR dementia OR depress* OR distress OR emotion* OR externaliz* OR externalis* OR fatigue* OR HRQOL OR hyperactiv* OR hypomania* OR impulsiv* OR internaliz* OR internalis* OR mania* OR mental* OR mood* OR neuroc* OR neurol* OR neurobehavio* OR neurotox* OR obsessi* OR opposition* OR panic* OR psychi* OR psychol* OR psychop* OR psychos* OR QOL OR “quality of life” OR restless* OR SDQ OR stress* OR toxicit*) 2429877 S4 (MH “Adverse Drug Event+”) OR TI (cerebral N3 effect* OR adverse N3 effect* OR adverse N3 reaction* OR adverse N3 event* OR injurious N3 effect* OR side N3 effect* OR undesirable N3 effect* OR unwanted N3 effect*) OR AB(cerebral N3 effect* OR adverse N3 effect* OR adverse N3 reaction* OR adverse N3 event* OR injurious N3 effect* OR side N3 effect* OR undesirable N3 effect* OR unwanted N3 effect*) 99762