Annelienke van Hulst

94 Chapter 2 Scopus History August 15, 2019 Search Scopus Query – August 15, 2019 Items found #8 #1 AND #2 AND #3 AND #7 6344 #7 #4 OR #5 OR #6 19481909 #6 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( bed-time OR bedtime OR ( circadian W/3 rhythm* ) OR dream* OR hypersomnia* OR insomnia* OR “night rest” OR ( night W/3 awakening* ) OR nightmare* OR parasomnia* OR sleep* OR somnolence OR “time in bed” OR ( night W/3 waking* ) ) 481042 #5 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( affect* OR agitation OR agressiv* OR anxiet* OR arousal OR attention* OR awareness OR behavio* OR bipolar OR cognit* OR compulsiv* OR concentrat* OR craving* OR delirium OR dementia OR depress* OR distress OR emotion* OR externaliz* OR externalis* OR fatigue* OR hrqol OR hyperactiv* OR hypomania* OR impulsiv* OR internaliz* OR internalis* OR mania* OR mental* OR mood* OR neuroc* OR neurol* OR neurobehavio* OR neurotox* OR obsessi* OR opposition* OR panic* OR psychi* OR psychol* OR psychop* OR psychos* OR qol OR “quality of life” OR restless* OR sdq OR stress* OR toxicit* ) 18699373 #4 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( ( cerebral W/3 effect* ) OR ( adverse W/3 effect* ) OR ( adverse W/3 reaction* ) OR ( adverse W/3 event* ) OR ( injurious W/3 effect* ) OR ( side W/3 effect* ) OR ( undesirable W/3 effect* ) OR ( unwanted W/3 effect* ) ) 1177803 #3 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( corticoid* OR corticosteroid* OR cortisol* OR cortison* OR dehydrocortison* OR dexamethason* OR dexason* OR glucocorticoid* OR hydrocortison* OR prednisolon* OR prednison* OR steroid* ) 1154904 #2 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( child* OR schoolchild* OR infan* OR adolescen* OR pediatri* OR paediatr* OR neonat* OR boy OR boys OR boyhood OR girl OR girls OR girlhood OR youth OR youths OR baby OR babies OR toddler* OR teen OR teens OR teenager* OR newborn* OR postneonat* OR postnat* OR perinat* OR puberty OR preschool* OR suckling* OR picu OR nicu OR kid OR kids OR kindergarten* OR youngster* OR juvenil* OR minor* OR schoolchild* OR “school child*” OR underage* OR playgroup* OR “play-group*” OR playschool* OR prepuber* OR preadolescen* OR “junior high*” OR highschool* OR “senior high” OR “young people*” ) 6046290 #1 TITLE-ABS-KEY ( leukemi* OR leukaemi* OR leucaemi* OR leucemi* OR leucocythaemi* OR leucocythemi* OR bloodcancer* OR “blood cancer*” ) 425097