Doke Buurman

158 Chapter 5 Supplementary Table 2A1 – Larynx Dmean min. Dmean 0,9 1.6 1.6 max. Dmean 2,2 1.6 1.6 mean Dmean 1,6 1.6 1.6 (SD) (0.6) percentage redundantly removed teeth (<40Gy) 100% 100% 100% 100% 100% number redundantly removed teeth (<40Gy) 1 5 1 2 1 total number of extracted teeth 1 5 1 2 1 teeth upper jaw M3si M2si M1si Pm2si Pm1si teeth lower jaw M3ii M2ii M1ii Pm2ii Pm1ii total number of extracted teeth 11 22 20 8 15 number redundantly removed teeth (<40Gy) 10 21 19 7 15 percentage redundantly removed teeth (<40Gy) 91% 95% 95% 88% 100% mean Dmean 23,8 16,8 17,0 19,9 8,1 (SD) (13.9) (12.8) (12.7) (22.7) (6.1) min. Dmean 8,5 4,0 6,8 3,5 2,9 max. Dmean 52,7 58,8 57,5 56,9 22,2 number of patients n = 60 M1sc, Pm2si, M1si, M2si, M3si, and all inferior teeth: number of teeth with cut-off point 40Gy is greater than the number of teeth available for the mean max dose. In patients with both jaws receiving <25Gy, the extraction sites are not delineated in the planning software.