Doke Buurman

197 Tooth extractions and weight loss in OPSCC 6 Mann-Whitney U test in case of non-normal distribution. Normal distribution was verified using the Shapiro-Wilk test. Cross-tabulations were made for categorical variables. A Chi2 test was used for categorical outcomes. When more than 20% of cells had expected frequencies <5, we used Fisher’s exact test. Table 1 – Terminology clarification Edentulous No functional teeth in place Functional tooth A tooth was considered functional if it could make contact with an opposing (prosthetic) tooth. Roots or impacted teeth are considered as nonfunctional. Functional Unit Functional tooth, bridge pontic, or crown (on implants), which could make contact with an opposing (prosthetic) tooth, is considered a functional unit. Occlusal Unit [41] A measure to represent the chewing surface of the postcanine functional unit. One pair of occluding premolars is equal to one occlusal unit. One pair of occluding molars is considered as two occlusal units. Third molars are excluded. Eichner Index [42, 43] A validated measure describing the existing posterior functional units in support zones. It is divided into 3 main classes Eichner Index A Functional units exist in all 4 posterior support zones Eichner Index B Functional units are present in one to three posterior support zones or within the anterior area only Eichner Index C No functional units left All potential associative variables for weight loss underwent screening through univariable logistic regression. Factors with p<.10 were selected as potentially relevant associative variables and subsequently tested using multivariable logistic regression. Due to limited sample size, the influence of potential associative factors was tested individually, with a maximum of three variables in the multivariable model. Statistical analyses were regarded as significant if the p value was equal to or lower than .05. Data were evaluated using SPSS (IBM version 25 for Windows, Armonk, NY, USA). For the Fisher’s exact test with more than 2 by 2 items, the R software (R Core Team (2021) R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria) was used.