Doke Buurman

31 Mandibular Dentures in Head and Neck Cancer Patients 2 of attention, however, was on the mandible as the radiation doses were focused on the lower third of the face and the neck. This region is more susceptible to functional impairment due to the fact that the tongue is situated in the irradiation field and, therefore, speech and swallowing are affected. A dental anamnesis was done followed by an oral examination (Table 2). The oral conditions and the state of the prosthetic rehabilitation were noted. The medical and dental anamnesis were standardized and completed with information from the patients’ medical records. Table 1 - Patient and Tumor Characteristics Patient n Minimum Maximum Mean SD Mean age (y) 51 52 84 67.2 7.586 Edentulous mandibule (y) 50 1 46 12.8 14.739 Follow-up (y) 51 1 23 5.75 4.293 Sex M 32 62.7% F 19 37.3% Tumor location Oral 23 45.1% Oropharynx 14 27.5% Laryngopharynx 11 21.6% Other 3 5.9% Surgery Y 33 64.7% N 18 35.3% Bony defect Without 44 86.3% Partial 0 0% Continuity 7 13.7% The questionnaire entitled “Satisfaction of the denture” was filled in together with the researcher (LV). General QoL was assessed with the Linear Analogue Self-Assessment method (one-item version). Overall denture satisfaction was expressed on a 10-point rating scale, range 1 to 10, 1 being completely dissatisfied and 10 being completely satisfied [9]. More detailed information about denture satisfaction was assessed using a validated questionnaire consisting of eight