Doke Buurman

34 Chapter 2 Overall denture satisfaction was obtained separately for the complete prosthetic restoration and for the mandibular denture (Table 4). There was no difference in overall denture satisfaction between the CD group (mean: 7.33, SD: 1.97) and the IOD group (mean: 7.29, SD: 2.26) (Table 5). The slight difference in overall mandibular denture satisfaction between the CD group (mean: 6.88, SD: 1.80) and the IOD group (mean: 7.73, SD: 2.50) was not significant. A detailed analysis showed a significant difference for the item “retention” in favor of the IOD group (mean: 1.77, SD: 0.83) versus de CD group (mean: 2.50, SD: 1.16) (Table 5). Table 5 - Comparing the CD Group with the IOD Group CD mean (n = 18) IOD mean (n = 31) Total (mean) p Overall denture satisfaction 7.3333 7.2903 7.3061 .947 Mandibular denture satisfaction 6.8824 7.7258 7.4271 .227 Retention 2.5000 1.7742 2.0408 .014 For the items “overall denture satisfaction” and “mandibular denture satisfaction” the range was 0 to 10 with 0 being completely dissatisfied and 10 being completely satisfied. For “retention”, 1 = very satisfied, 2 = satisfied, 3 = neutral, 4 = dissatisfied, and 5 = very dissatisfied. In regard to sex, there were no significant differences found in the CD group; however, significant differences were found in the IOD group. Men scored better in “overall denture satisfaction” and “overall mandibular denture satisfaction”, specifically with regard to “mandibular denture” and “appearance”. The items “functional comfort” and “speaking” were also judged more favorably by men than women (Table 6). Regarding men, the difference in “overall mandibular denture satisfaction” became significant in favor of the IOD group, and in addition to the item “retention”, “mandibular denture” also scored significantly better in the IOD group (Table 7). When comparing patients after adjuvant therapy with patients after radiation therapy alone, there was a significantly better score for “appearance and speaking” from the group that underwent radiation therapy alone. For “eating” there was a strong trend in favor of the radiation therapy alone group (Table 8). Patients with mandibular continuity resection scored significantly worse on the items “eating and speaking” (Table 9).