Doke Buurman

66 Chapter 4 Ten patients with a mean age of 71 years (range 59-85) were treated with conventional obturator prostheses (Group 2). A partial natural dentition was preserved in the lower jaw in only one patient of Group 2. In three of the remaining nine patients, the lower jaw dentures were implant-retained. Table 1 - Demographic and clinical characteristics of patients with implant-supported obturators and patients with conventional obturators Patient characteristics Implantsupported obturators n = 9 Conventional obturators n = 10 p-value Gender (%) Male 7 (78%) 4 (40%) 0.170c Female 2 (22%) 6 (60%) Age 40-49 2 0 50-59 2 1 60-69 2 3 0.327a 70-79 3 4 80-89 0 2 Follow-up time (Mean ± SD) 45.38 ± 34.67 57.09 ± 31.46 0.453b Origin of maxillectomy Gingival squamous cell carcinoma 5 6 Polymorf lowgrade adenocarcinoma 0 2 Adenoidcystic carcinoma 1 1 Muco-epidermoid carcinoma 0 1 0.417a Ameloblastoma 1 0 Avascular necrosis after Le Fort I osteotomy 1 0 Traumata 1 0 Radiotherapy 5 (56%) 8 (80%) 0.350c