Doke Buurman

70 Chapter 4 Table 2 - Continued Item No Description Handicap 18 Unable to enjoy company 19 Life unsatisfying Subtotal Total * p<.05. ** p<.01. Table 3 - OFS-scores of patients with implant-supported obturators and patients with conventional obturators Item No Description Eating problems 1 Difficulty in chewing food 2 Leakage when swallowing liquids 3 Leakage when swallowing food Subtotal Speech problems 4 Voice different from before surgery 5 Difficulty in talking in public 6 Speech is nasal 7 Difficulty in pronouncing words 8 Speech is difficult to understand Subtotal 9 Mouth feels dry 10 Dissatisfaction with looks 11 Clasps on front teeth are noticeable 12 Upper lip feels numb 13 Avoidance of family/social events 14 Difficulty inserting obturator 15 Upper lip looks funny Total * p<.05. ** p<.01.