Mehmet Nizamoglu

122 Chapter 5 SUPPLEMENTARY FIGURES Supplementary Figure 1: Number of EpCAM+ positive cells isolated from non-IPF and IPF lung tissue. N=3 for non-IPF and n=4 for IPF samples. Statistical differences between non-IPF and IPF groups were tested using unpaired t-test after verifying normality with Q-Q plots and Shapiro-Wilk test. Supplementary Figure 2: Difference in organoid forming efficiency between unfractionated and EpCAM+ cell populations of IPF and non-IPF lung-derived epithelial cells. Quantification of organoid numbers at day 7 comparing unfractionated and EpCAM+ cultures (n=7 in total). Organoid counts were normalized to the number of EpCAM+ cells to correct for differences in epithelial cell input during the organoid assay. Means ±SD are indicated. Statistical differences between groups were tested using the unpaired t-test after verifying normality with Q-Q plots and Shapiro-Wilk test.