Mehmet Nizamoglu

283 Fibroblast remodeling of extracellular matrix is directed by the fibrotic nature of the threedimensional microenvironment Supplementary Document 2: ImageJ Macro used to analyze the images of Alcian blue-stained slides name=getTitle(); print(name); display=getTitle(); run(“Set Measurements...”, “area mean modal integrated median skewness kurtosis area_ fraction limit display redirect=None decimal=6”); run(“Duplicate...”, “ “); run(“8-bit”); name1=getTitle(); rename(name1+”-(Colour_0)”); setAutoThreshold(“Default”); setThreshold(0, 220); run(“Measure”); close(); run(“Colour Deconvolution”, “vectors=[ AlcianBlue]”); // AlcianBlue vector: AlcianBlue, 0.300,0.850,0.400, 0.800,0.550,0.250, 0.00000000,0.00000000,0.0000000 // Fill in below the thresholds for Colour2 image selectWindow(name+”-(Colour_2)”); setAutoThreshold(“Default”); setThreshold(0, 220); run(“Measure”); setThreshold(188, 220); run(“Measure”); setThreshold(150, 187); run(“Measure”); setThreshold(113, 149); run(“Measure”); setThreshold(75, 112); run(“Measure”); setThreshold(38, 74); run(“Measure”); setThreshold(0, 37); run(“Measure”); run(“Close All”); 9