Mehmet Nizamoglu

314 Appendices research questions, in advance and perhaps on paper. When the team faced with challenges and setbacks regarding the project, your steadfast belief in me and your willingness to offer guidance and encouragement have provided an additional source of motivation. Dear Barbro, I’d like to start by thanking you for your very calm approach to everything we have done together. Thanks to your calmness, I have got to learn to relax a tiny bit more when things are not going in the direction I originally intended for them to go. I am also grateful for how approachable you were, especially when you once said “Just call me”, instead of arranging another online meeting or so. It inevitably and ultimately made me realize that, some things don’t have to be complicated for them to work out, so thank you for that. Over the years, not only I have enjoyed every conversation with you regardless of the topic, but also I often found myself being impressed by how effortlessly you can convey your thoughts to me or anyone else. I hope I will be able to follow your example to be able to a good communicator. I would like to thank to my thesis assessment committee members, Prof. R.A. Bank, Prof. G. Westergren-Thorsson and Prof. M. Kolb, thank you for your valuable time and efforts you’ve put into this thesis through your suggestions and feedback. I also would like to thank to couple of additional professors with whom we crossed paths during my PhD trajectory. Dear Prof. Marco Harmsen, a long time has passed since I joined to the (then) little 3D meeting group where I met you, and I cannot remember any chat we had that was dull. We sometimes agreed and sometimes agreed to disagree in a friendly way but it always ended being productive. Thank you Marco for always keeping me on my toes with our scientific sword fights! Dear Prof. Wim Timens, I’d like to thank you not only for sharing your endless knowledge about the lung diseases with us but also your extreme efforts to optimize the protocol for fibrotic tissue distribution. I always appreciated your feedback on my manuscripts we wrote together and always learned something new in every exchange. Dear Prof. Daniel Weiss – Dan, thank you for a warm welcome and including me in your nice group for the last couple of months of my PhD. I am truly happy and grateful for the opportunity to collaborate with you and your team, and I have really enjoyed discussing science with you. As a 2+2 industrial PhD candidate, our collaboration with Boehringer Ingelheim (both Biberach and Ridgefield campuses) was quite important and fruitful. I would like to start by thanking to Prof. Matthew Thomas for always being supportive and enthusiastic about our project(s) since the initiation 4 years ago. Another big “thank