Mehmet Nizamoglu

315 Acknowledgements you” would have to go to Prof. Eric White, not only for kindly providing precious human donor samples but also giving critical and crucial feedback on how to improve our messages, even about the most challenging analyses. Dear Marco, although you have stepped out of the collaboration rather shortly after the start, I genuinely enjoyed the initial phases of the project where we brainstormed to improve the project. Dear Karim, I always appreciated your supportive and approachable attitude towards our collaboration. I also would like to thank the hands-on collaborators Caro, Dani and Julia for fruitful discussions on methodology and results. I’m looking forward to finalizing the studies we have started together. Moreover, I would like to thank to Coralie for her guidance towards optimizing the tissue dissociation protocol for fibrotic tissues (which seemed to have lasted for a century), to Marina and Alex for their kind invitation to the Ridgefield campus and a day full of immunohistochemical staining pilot experiments, to Praveen and Fidel for their help with data analysis, to Alec, Diana and David for their technical and logistical help. It truly took a village to reach to this milestone, and this village would be none other than the Experimental Pulmonology and Inflammation Research (EXPIRE) Lab – partially because we are quite crowded! Dear Martijn, thank you for setting an amazing example for professors from Groningen when we met in Uppsala in 2017. The memory of you teaching me how to drink cognac and your advice on taking the provided challenges head on is vividly alive in my mind! Who would have known that only a year after that, I would be joining to the lab you co-lead with my two of my main supervisors?! I enjoyed our chats, whether it’s about science or daily stuff, and I am happy that I got a chance to work in a scientific project with you. I’d like to continue expressing my gratitude with the current and past members of the “Tech Team”. Marnix, thank you for everything, starting with your help when I first joined the lab as a Master’s student and anything and everything that came after that! I was initially hesitant or even scared to approach you but your willingness to help and sense of humor were always there and I, for one, appreciated your support every day in lab! (Although I am still scared to see you angry!). Taco, what a roller coaster two years we had! You joined to the collaboration just when things were picking up pace and Godspeed we had! Thank you for all the cell culture and tissue processing days where we started before seeing the daylight. You have helped improving many aspects of the project and things wouldn’t have been the same without you. Marissa, we had lots of fun in and out of the lab, didn’t we? Thank you for sharing the pain of optimizing lots of protocols with me, but also thank you for being with me when we were walking in the middle of nowhere in rural parts of a small German town, in the middle of the night! Theo, or The Magician, as I would like to call you, thank you for always being kind to me (and to everyone else, I’m sure). Your kind attitude and