Mehmet Nizamoglu

317 Acknowledgements and your presence in the office, I’m so glad to see you happy in Australia and looking forward to seeing you again! Dear Maunick, look how much things have changed since we started (and since you left us to go to the US)! Now we are finishing together, and I am grateful to have you as a friend, colleague and office-mate during this journey. The second part of our long-waited collaboration arrived way too late to be part of either of our books, but I am still looking forward to doing great science together. Dear Qing, your kind and supportive approach to everyone else around you is admirable and I, for one, am grateful to your friendship during the last couple of years. I wish you the best of luck in the next chapter of your life! To the current members of Project Office Door, i.e. my office-mates: Jelmer, my first student! Thank you for your initial contribution to my PhD trajectory, even unbeknownst to you, you helped me see the importance of having a clear plan ready as early as three weeks in! I am happy to see you now as a fellow PhD candidate in the same office. Thank you for the chats with or without the science (but usually with coffee). XinZi, thank you for always being available for a chat when needed. Also I always appreciated you always being your true honest self - I still find it extremely refreshing. Last but not least - thank you for the continuous supply of snacks from China! Akash – the young blood in the office! Your hunger for knowledge (and also various types of cheese) is impressive! I want to thank you for keeping me (or usually the whole office) entertained, either laughing with or at you while always being kind and grounded. Dear Ayla, you and I have a weird match in our senses of humor, which brought us together through random chitchat online or in the office. Thank you for all the fun exchanges and holding the Metallica fort of the office with me! You are all wonderful and hardworking people - I wish you all guys the best of luck with the rest of your projects! Moving on to the other members of EXPIRE lab: dear Akshaya, starting the PhD at the exact same time created a special bond between us! Your willingness to help and support your friends impressed me a lot and I am very happy to have spent these past 4 years together as fellow PhDs. I still do not regret forcing you to take the rides in the fair with me; quite the opposite I am looking forward to doing so in more occasions! Thank you for sharing your endless love for arepas, all the nice memories and the support when needed. Dear Aurore, we had lots of fun: from the work-from-Forum Wednesdays to sightseeing in Washington in the US. Our masterpiece photo from the bar in Utrecht is going to stay alive as a very fun memory for a very long time. Thank you for the fun times we had together! Dear Brady, I think the years passed since our GelBoyz days only helped our friendship to evolve and get better – from colleagues with friendly banter to friends with safe havens to share and shelter. Thank you for being authentically you, sharing your fun facts and completely random information – no matter how grumpy I might have looked, I enjoyed them. Dear Yanzhe, your