Patrick Mulder

136 Chapter 4 The outcome measurements were used as the dependent variable in the models. Time was entered as a categorical variable in the model as a fixed effect. Level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. The data was visualized using Graphpad version 5.01 (PRISM, La Jolla, USA). Data of the soluble immune factors was transformed to fold changes of healthy controls. P values between time intervals and healthy controls were determined using Mann Whitney U test. Because of multiple testing, we considered a p value of <0.01 to be significant. Volcano plots were created using “EnhancedVolcano” version 1.6.0 package in R version 3.6.2. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We are grateful for the work of all involved physicians, surgeons and nurses of the burn center and intensive care department of the Red Cross Hospital. We want to thank Evi Warmerdam and Rosa Rentenaar for their technical assistance and help with data analysis. This research was funded by the Dutch Burns Foundation under grant number WO/17.108 (MMWU).