Patrick Mulder

141 Systemic Immune Response in Burn Patients Supplementary Table 1. Demographics and sampling of subjects. (A) Demographic data is shown per patient and per group. For the burn patients the age range was 18-82 and for the healthy controls this was 23-62. (B) Black dots show frequency of blood sampling of individual burn patients. For the analyses, multiple measures of one patient within one time interval were averaged. A Total burn surface area (%) Subject number Gender Age (years) Total 2nd degree 3rd degree Burn type Hospital stay (days) Medication Complications 1 Male 20 34 17 17 Flame 42 2 Male 35 20 17 4 Flame 22 3 Male 82 15 15 0 Water 24 Antidiabetics; finasteride 4 Male 39 17 17 0 Flame 12 Antidiabetics 5 Female 78 26 6 21 Flame 2 (†) Antidiabetics; pantoprozole; oxycodone; acetylsalicylic acid; allopurinol; pravastatin; thyrax Died after 2 days 6 Female 57 23 0 23 Flame 60 Antidiabetics Thrombosis 7 Male 42 28 28 0 Flame 29 8 Male 61 47 25 22 Flame 40 Antidiabetics; baclofen; midazolam; laxatives Pneumonia; glucose dysregulation 4