Patrick Mulder

142 Chapter 4 Supplementary Table 1. Demographics and sampling of subjects. Continued. A Total burn surface area (%) Subject number Gender Age (years) Total 2nd degree 3rd degree Burn type Hospital stay (days) Medication Complications 9 Female 65 29 1 28 Flame 60 Infected hematoma 10 Male 18 24 20 5 Flame 23 11 Male 33 32 24 8 Flame 19 Thrombophlebitis 12 Male 39 38 29 9 Electricity 52 Antidiabetics; quetiapine Pneumonia; cocaine user 13 Female 43 23 23 0 Flame 37 14 Male 60 17 17 0 Oil 26 15 Male 57 20 20 0 Flame 24 16 Male 49 49 14 35 Electricity 119 Renal insufficiency 17 Male 56 55 4 51 Flame 68 Antidiabetics; flupentixol Thrombosis; polyneuropathy 18 Male 46 34 21 13 Flame 57 Antidiabetics 19 Male 68 27 27 0 Flame 71 Pneuomia 20 Male 73 25 20 5 Flame 75 Burn patients in mean (±SD) 16 male; 4 female 51.1 (±17.8) 29.0 (±11.0) 17.1 (±8.6) 11.9 (±14.2) NA 45.3 (±26.5) Healthy controls in mean (±SD) 7 male; 13 female 43.9 (±10.9) NA NA NA NA NA