Patrick Mulder

192 Chapter 6 epidermal organization gradually improved, coinciding with the expression of collagen IV and laminin α 5. Despite a well-formed basement membrane in the MatriDerm- and Mucomaix-based FSEs, the basal layer was not entirely organized and did not improve over time. The disruption of the basal layer could be related to the porosity of the collagen matrices causing keratinocytes to partially descend into the matrix. In all models, a basement membrane was present, which was more mature at T + 2 weeks. All models contained a fibroblast-populated dermis, as was shown by vimentin expression [45]. Both MatriDerm- and Mucomaix-based models appeared suitable for in vitro study of skin development. However, due to the rapid degradation of Mucomaix, this matrix turned out less suitable as a model for extensive culture times. The degradation speed of Mucomaix was also shown in vivo by Udeabor et al. [28]. The MatriDerm matrix also degraded over time but clearly at a slower rate, which might be due to the presence of elastin-hydrolysate, making it less susceptible to enzymatic degradation [46]. Because of its faster degradation rate, Mucomaix could be more suitable for the study of degradation and cell matrix interactions. Clinically, Mucomaix is useful for the repair of intra- and extra-oral defects [28]. Burn injury and regeneration could successfully be studied in MatriDerm- and DEDbased FSEs, as they displayed a regenerative and proliferative capacity similar to ex vivo human skin. The faster re-epithelization rate in FSEs at T + 1 week could be related to an increased proliferation in the FSEs due to the culture of cells. In contrast, cells in intact skin, especially keratinocytes, might be programmed more for differentiation rather than proliferation. Several other studies have used in vitro skin models to study the effects of burn injury, but they did not study the rate of re-epithelization [39,47,48]. Cytokines IL-6, IL-8, and MCP-1 were expressed in the FSE models at levels similar to those in ex vivo human skin. Apparently, there is already some degree of stress response in these models that is presumably triggered by the culturing of cells and in vitro skin development. This is supported by the abundant expression of stress marker cytokeratin 17 (Supplementary Figure 1C). Cytokeratin 17 was also expressed in ex vivo human skin models, but only after culture. Reports on the cytokine expression of cells in response to culture or skin development are very limited. This cytokine response is, however, important to take into account, because inflammation and skin regeneration can affect each other, thereby potentially delaying wound healing processes. Despite the potential presence of stress and subsequent cytokine responses during in vitro culture, an epidermis and dermis were successfully established in the presented models.