Patrick Mulder

206 Chapter 6 skin models. Ex vivo human skin (left) and full skin equivalents generated from de-epidermalized dermis, MatriDerm and Mucomaix (right). Level of (A) IL-4; (B) IL-12p70; (C) TGF-β1; (D) IFN-γ; (E) IL-2; (F) IL-17A; (G) TNF-α in the culture medium at T0, T + 1-4, T + 5-7 and T + 8-11 days (after burn injury). Samples from biological duplicates were pooled per donor (n = 3 donors) and re-calculated into pg/ml per day of culture to compensate for intermittent medium changes. Striped line indicates the highest or lowest level of quantification. Because ex vivo human skin models were started at T0, no levels are shown for day 0. For the full skin equivalent models, day 0 was after the initial 3 weeks of culture.