Patrick Mulder

276 Appendix PHD PORTFOLIO Department: Laboratory of Medical Immunology, Department of Laboratory Medicine PhD period: 01/02/2019 – 01/05/2023 PhD Supervisor(s): Prof. I Joosten PhD Co-supervisor(s): Dr. HJPM Koenen, Dr. BKHL Boekema Training activities Hours Courses - General Introduction by Radboudumc (2019) - Introduction “In the Lead” by Radboudumc (2019) - Workshop Adobe Illustrator by Radboudumc (2019) - Systematic Review of Animal Studies by SYRCLE (2019) - Poster Pitching by Radboud University (2019)^ - Project Management for PhDs by Radboud University (2019) - Masterclass on Data Visualization by Dutch Chemometrics Society (2019) - Introduction in Using R by Radboudumc (2019) - Scientific Integrity by Radboudumc (2020) - Workshop Flow Panel Design by BD (2020) - R Data Analysis by TenWise (2021) - Next Step in My Career by Radboudumc (2021) - Basic Analyses in R by Data Science Partners (2022) 6 15 2 8 28 56 8 8 20 8 28 20 32 Seminars - Research Meetings Laboratory Medical Immunology (weekly; 2019-2023)^ - Research Meetings Association of Dutch Burn Centres (weekly; 2019-2023)^ - Symposia Wetenschapsdag Dutch Burns Foundation (4×; 2019-2023)^ - Symposia Dutch Society of Burn Care (NVBZ) (3×; 2019-2023)^ - Burn Care Club Red Cross Hospital Beverwijk (monthly; 2019-2023) - Radboud Research Rounds (3×; 2019-2020)^ - Radboud Research Integrity Rounds (3×; 2019-2020) - Symposia Dutch Society for Immunology (NVVI) (2×; 2019,2021) - Research Meetings for Burn Survivors (2×; 2019,2022)^ - Symposium Animal Free Innovations Amsterdam UMC (2019) - Symposium Reproductive Immunology Network Netherlands (2020) - Research Meeting Plastic Surgery Amsterdam UMC (2020)^ - Webinar “Children with Burn Injuries” by Amsterdam UMC (2021) - Symposium Dutch Burns Foundation 50 years (2022)^ - Webinar “How to prevent bad scarring” by G-SCARS (2023) 60 60 40 30 12 6 6 32 6 6 4 4 2 8 2