Patrick Mulder

66 Chapter 3 high RoB was found for differences between animal groups at baseline, mainly due to large ranges in the reported weight or age. Obviously, blinding in animal handling is impossible in studies of burn injury and led to a high RoB in all of the studies. In 36% of the studies there was suspicion of incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) and 12% of the studies scored a high RoB for selective reporting of outcome data. Separately, we scored baseline-controlled studies and found an even higher risk of attrition bias in these studies (Figure 2C). Figure 2. Quality of reporting and risk of bias assessment. (A) Quality of reporting of all included studies (n = 424). (B) Complete risk of bias assessment of a random sample consisting of 25 studies. (C) Risk of bias assessment of all of the included baseline-controlled studies (n = 29).