Patrick Mulder

69 Review Inflammatory Mediators in Animal Burn Models 0-1), but not at PBD 5-9. Blood IFN-γ and G-CSF on the other hand, were increased from PBD 0-1 up to at least PBD 5-9. In both blood and wound tissue, IL-1β was increased from PBD 0-1 up to PBD 10-14. As opposed to wound tissue, the blood IL-1β levels decreased towards the level of uninjured animals at PBD 5-14. IL-6 was also increased directly after burn in both blood and wound tissue up to at least PBD 10-14 and wound tissue IL-6 even showed a sharp increase from PBD 0-1 up to 2-4. While IL-10 was increased in blood up to PBD 5-9, the wound tissue levels were similar to controls, except at PBD 5-9. TNF-α levels were similar for blood and wound tissue and were increased up to PBD 10-14 or PBD 15-21, respectively. CCL2 (MCP-1) levels in both blood and wound tissue were increased directly after burn, and appeared to gradually increase over time up to at least PBD 5-9. Wound TGF-β1 levels were increased from PBD 2-4 up to PBD 15-21. Increased levels of wound VEGF-A were found at PBD 2-4 up to PBD 10-14. 3