Rosanne Schaap

103 Grip on Health intervention among lower socioeconomic position workers face? Which problems emerge? And then to make them aware of what they could change to actually achieve an improvement of the situation. OHPs and participants also described that the intervention led to small and practical solutions, which will according to OHPs not immediately lead to large effects, but a higher chance of solutions being implemented and workers experiencing success. This was also showed in the results of the checklists, as solutions were to a reasonable extent implemented (see table 5). Table 5. Provider responsiveness Mean Satisfaction* Satisfaction process Satisfaction effectiveness Satisfaction of the worker 4.07 4.00 3.88 Perceived effectiveness** Health Work functioning Working conditions Living conditions Self-control Support workers on solving problems 3.64 3.43 2.86 3.56 3.52 3.18 Solutions*** Solutions implemented 2.45 N Type of problems solved in the workplace Job environment related problem Job content related problem Physically related problem at work Mentally related problem at work Socially related problem at work 4 4 5 6 3 Type of problems solved outside the workplace Physically related problem outside the workplace Mentally related problem outside workplace Lifestyle related problem outside the workplace Socially related problem outside the workplace 2 7 3 9 Sick leave Prevented sick leave Decreased duration of sick leave Not decreased duration or prevention of sick leave 4 13 5 *Scale:1=very unsatisfied, 5=very satisfied; **Scale:1=not at all, 5=to a very large extent; ***Scale:1=all solutions implemented, 5=no solutions implemented Although OHPs were reassured that this intervention could lead to positive effects, they also reported that this depends on the worker him-/herself and on external factors in- or outside the workplace. Initially, the worker must be open 4