Rosanne Schaap

112 Chapter 4 Supplementary files Supplementary file 1. Interview guides Interview guide for occupational health professional who delivered the intervention 1. What do you think of Grip on Health? Are you satisfied with the intervention? a. Which part of Grip on Health is the most valuable? b. Which part of Grip on Health is the least valuable? 2. What do you think of the fact that problems on multiple life domains are discussed? 3. Would you recommend this intervention to a colleague? 4. Does the intervention fit your normal way of working? a. What is the added value of this intervention as opposed to your normal way of working? 5. At which organization did you implement the intervention? a. Was the organization or involved employer aware of the intervention? 6. How did you reach lower SEP workers? Preventively? Or on short-term sick leave? a. Was it hard to reach with this target group? If yes, why? b. Do you think Grip on Health is relevant for lower SEP workers? 7. Among how many employees did you implement the intervention? 8. Did you have sufficient time to implement the intervention? 9. Which professional is most suitable to implement the intervention? 10. Did you deliver all the steps of the intervention? a. If no, how many steps and which steps did you not deliver? And why? b. How many conversations did you need to deliver these steps? 11. How did you discuss problems with the worker? a. Did you use the materials for the discussion of problems? b. Were there often problems in- or outside the workplace? 12. How did you select problems with the worker? a. Did you use the materials for the selection of problems? b. Where problems in- or outside the workplace selected? 13. Was there another stakeholder involved in the selection of problems? a. If yes, was everyone able to discuss the problems from their own perspective and were they able to reach consensus on the most important problems? 14. Was the worker and, if involved, other stakeholder actively involved in the discussion of problems? a. Was the worker able to identify problems? And which problem he or she wanted to solve? 15. How did you brainstorm about solutions with the worker? a. Did you use the materials for the brainstorm of solutions? 16. Was there another stakeholder involved in the brainstorm of solutions? a. If yes, was everyone able to discuss possible solutions from their own perspective and were they able to reach consensus on solutions? 17. Was the worker and, if involved, other stakeholder actively involved in the brainstorm of solutions?